Carl Nilsen


Carl Nilsen

Carl Nilsen, AACI., FRICS, P.App.

Business Altus Group (retired), Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), CA (Canada)

VanIAC Panel(s) : Domestic Arbitration

Practice Areas : Commercial Lease, Corporate Commercial, Real Estate

Professional Experience

Carl Nilsen founded the firm of Nilsen Realty Research Ltd. (which subsequently became part of Altus Group) after gaining real estate qualifications and experience in London (England) and Toronto. Mr. Nilsen came to Vancouver in 1973 since when his professional practice has involved the preparation of specialized studies and appraisals for both the public and private sector.

Mr. Nilsen was retained on a regular basis to provide expert evidence before courts and arbitration boards concerned with the establishment of rental value or market value under expropriation, property assessment and other proceedings. He has given evidence before the BC Assessment Appeal Board, the BC Supreme Court, the BC Expropriation Compensation Board and the Federal Court (Trial Division).

He has been appointed as a Valuator under the B.C. Hydro and Power Authority Act. He also frequently sits as a single arbitrator or as the member of arbitration panels.

Mr Nilsen has been engaged on many occasions to speak to professional organizations on real estate valuation matters. His presentations have included topics relating to the role of the professional as expert witness and as arbitrator.

Dispute Resolution Experience and Training

Examples of experience as single arbitrator determining market or rental value include:

  • Determination of compensation for expropriations in Saskatchewan
  • Commercial premises in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island
  • Restaurant premises in Chinatown
  • Commercial premises on Kingsway, Burnaby
  • Telecommunication facilities in Richmond
  • Industrial lands leased by First Nation on Vancouver Island
  • Bank premises in Vancouver
  • Land in the BC Interior subject to expropriation proceedings

Experience as member or chair of arbitration panels in connection with the following matters:

  • Determination of market value of commercial property involved in partnership dispute
  • Rental value of restaurant premises in Kelowna
  • Rental value of restaurant premises in Burnaby
  • Rental value of commercial premises in Kitsilano
Professional and Other Activities
  • Member of Lambda Alpha International.
  • Member and past director – B.C. Expropriation Association.
  • Presentations of Professional organization include:
    • Rail Corridor Valuation (BC Expropriation Association 2018)
    • Arbitration in Commercial Leasing (ADR Institute of BC 2020)
    • Lease Dispute Arbitration – The Appraiser as Expert and Arbitrator (Appraisal Institute of Canada National Conference 2002)
    • Commercial Leasing Disputes – 2001 Update (Continuing Legal Education Society of BC)
    • Valuations for IFRS (Washington State Appraisal Institute Conference, 2010)
    • Arbitrating Commercial Lease Disputes – A Valuation Perspective (ADR Institute of Canada, 2004)
    • Contaminated Lands – Valuation and Current Legal Issues (Canadian Property Tax Association Conference 2008)
    • Volumetric Parcels – Valuation Issues (BC Expropriation Association Conference 2010)
Academic Qualifications
  • BSc (Estate Management) London University
  • Accredited Appraiser of the Canadian Institute (AACI)
  • Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS)