Harveen Thauli, C.Arb., B.Comm., LL.B., J.D.


Harveen Thauli, C.Arb., B.Comm., LL.B., J.D.

Harveen Thauli, C.Arb., B.Comm., LL.B., J.D.
Lawyer, Arbitrator

Law office of Harveen Thauli, Barrister & Solicitor, Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), CA (Canada)

ADR Certified Designation : Chartered Arbitrator (C. Arb)

Additional Language(s) : French

VanIAC Panel(s) : Expedited Procedures Arbitrator

Practice Areas : Corporate Commercial, Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures, Partnership and Shareholder, Personal Injury, Securities, Sports

Professional Experience

Harveen Thauli has over 27 years of experience in private practice and regulatory environments. Harveen’s experience includes practising corporate/securities law, administrative law, professional conduct and sports law. She has written comprehensive legal submissions on allegations of breaches of securities legislation and codes of professional conduct and represented clients before regulatory bodies.

Harveen is also a Chartered Arbitrator who presides over arbitrations provincially, nationally and internationally. She enjoys the challenge of analyzing complex legal issues and distilling them into plain English in her written decisions.

Dispute Resolution Experience and Training
  • Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Tribunal
  • Ad Hoc FEI Tribunal member for Tokyo 2020, the 2021 Olympic Summer Games in Tokyo
  • British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board
  • Sport Resolutions (UK): International Tribunal and International Investigations Panel
  • Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC): Ordinary, Doping and Appeals Tribunal
  • ADR Institute of BC
  • World Athletics: Disciplinary and Appeals Tribunal

Harveen has taken many arbitration courses, including:

  • ADR Institute of BC: Conduct of Arbitration Proceedings and Award Writing;
  • BC Council of Administrative Tribunals (BCCAT): Conduct of Fair Hearings, Decision Writing, Ethics, Administrative Justice and Understanding the Standard of Review Post Vavilov;
  • Vancouver International Arbitration Centre: Arbitration From Nose to Tail; and
  • International Football Arbitration Moot Crash Course.
Professional and Other Activities
  • ADR Institute of Canada (Chartered Arbitrator)
  • ADR Institute of British Columbia
  • Law Society of British Columbia
  • Canadian Bar Association (BC Branch)
  • Private Capital Markets Association of Canada
  • Women’s White Collar Defense Association
  • Women in Sports Law
  • International Football Arbitration Moot: Sponsor and volunteer arbitrator

Other Activities

  • Teaches the Professional Legal Training Course, a mandatory 10 week program that articled students must complete for admission to the Bar of British Columbia.
  • Presented a roundtable with two SDRCC arbitrators called “From Appointment to Decision in 3 Days”, discussing procedural fairness and other sport-related issues, including conducting hearings under extreme time pressure.
  • Presented a webinar called “Locking Down the Basics: A Securities Law Primer” offered by the Canadian Bar Association – BC Branch.
  • Participated as a member of the Bylaws & Rules Revision Subcommittee for a Vancouver sports and recreational facility. One of three lawyers rewriting the bylaws and rules for this 8,000 member club.
  • Appointed to serve on the Advisory Committee to the Judicial Council of BC of the Canadian Bar Association (BC Branch).


  • Workplace Investigations Certificate: Bernardi Human Resources Law LLP (May 2024)
  • Trauma Informed Practice: Justice Institute of British Columbia (March 2024)
  • Securities Certificates: Canadian Securities Institute: Derivatives Fundamentals Course (2008) and Canadian Securities Course (1997); and Simon Fraser University: Going Public and Continuous Disclosure (2000)
  • Sports Certificates: The Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland: International eSports Law (March 2024); Sports Law in Canada (March 2022); and Sports Law in the USA (October 2022)
  • French Certificate: Laval University: French as a Second Language (1990)
Academic Qualifications

Juris Doctor (J.D.) University of Western Ontario (May 1995)
Bachelor of Civil Law (LL.B.) Laval University (May 1994)
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.) University of British Columbia (May 1989)