Kerry Alan Short


Kerry Alan Short

Kerry Alan Short

Mediation & Arbitration office of Cornish, Margolis & Boyd, Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), CA (Canada)

VanIAC Panel(s) : Domestic Arbitration, Mediation

Practice Areas : Construction, Corporate Commercial, Defamation, Employment, Insurance and Reinsurance, Intellectual Property and Licensing, Maritime, Personal Injury, Sports, Technology

Professional Experience

Kerry Short has practiced over thirty years as an insurance defence lawyer and has conducted many trials and appeals. Kerry has been appointed as a mediator and arbitrator on a range of disputes, from two-party personal injury, construction and insurance coverage cases to more complex multi-party litigation.

Dispute Resolution Experience and Training

Kerry has acted as sole arbitrator on a number of matters over the past 15 years. He has acted as mediator over the past 10 years on a wide range of cases. His training has included all civil CLE mediation courses and a one week mediation training course at Pepperdine University in 2017.

Professional and Other Activities

Kerry is a former fellow of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers, is recognized by his peers as a leading lawyer in professional liability with Lexpert, has been recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada in construction law since 2008, and has been named as a leading lawyer in insurance law since 2012.

Academic Qualifications

University of Victoria, B.A. (History) 1979
University of British Columbia LLB 1982