Paul E. Love

Paul E. Love, C.Arb, FCIArb, DipICArb
Arbitrator, Lawyer
Law office of Paul E. Love Law Corporation, Campbell River, BC (British Columbia), CA (Canada)
ADR Certified Designation : Chartered Arbitrator (C. Arb)
VanIAC Panel(s) : Domestic Arbitration
Practice Areas : Construction, Corporate Commercial, Employment, Energy, Government, Insurance and Reinsurance, Labour, Partnership and Shareholder, Personal Injury
Paul Love was called to the Bar in British Columbia in 1985. He had a litigation practice up until approximately 2003; started to work as a mediator in 1993 and an arbitrator in 1995. His practice essentially has been as a full time arbitrator/adjudicator since 2003.
Paul Love works as a labour arbitrator, commercial arbitrator and has held a number of different part-time positions adjudicating for administrative tribunals. He has issued decisions or awards in over 500 matters in a wide variety of areas including employment and labour matters, forestry, shareholder and partnership disputes, family property disputes, environmental matters, surface rights disputes, auto collision liability, sexual and physical abuse claims arising from the operation of Indian Residential Schools. He travels extensively for work in Canada.
Dispute Resolution Experience and Training- Chartered Arbitrator (C. Arb) designation from the BCAMI, Fellow (FC .Arb),
- Panel Member and Chartered Arbitrator (C. Arb) and Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration (DipIC. Arb) with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK).
- Was selected and trained by the Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau for labour arbitration and admission to the CAAB list. All these designations involved course work and examinations.
Paul Love has been arbitrating commercial and labour matters since 1995. He is currently a listed arbitrator with the B.C. Collective Agreement Arbitration Bureau and a part-time member of the Public Service Labour Relations Board (for federal public sector grievances and labour practice complaints) and an adjudicator since 2003 with the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat. He has accepted adjudication/arbitration referrals from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service since 1997 for adjudicating labour and employment matters under the Canada Labour Code.
Paul Love has extensive training in mediation. I have been mediating disputes since 1993.
Professional and Other ActivitiesPaul Love is a member of the Vancouver International Arbitration Centre, Arbitrators Association of British Columbia, Law Society of British Columbia, Canadian Bar Association, B.C. Arbitration and Mediation Institute and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK).
He is a past member of the Environmental Appeal Board, Forest Appeals Commission, Employment Standards Tribunal and past Chair of the B.C. Mediation and Arbitration Board (surface rights disputes oil & gas and mining).
Academic QualificationsBSc, Honours, University of Victoria, 1980
LL.B. University of Victoria, 1984
C. Arb. Issued by BC Arbitration and mediation Institute, 1996
FCI. Arb, 1997
DIPIC Arb., 1998
C. Arb., issued by the Chartered Institute in UK, 1999