Philippe Billiet


Philippe Billiet

Philippe Billiet
Lawyer & Managing Partner

Law office of Billiet & Co Law Firm, Brussels, , Belgium

Additional Language(s) : Dutch, English, French, German

VanIAC Panel(s) : International Arbitration, Mediation

Practice Areas : Commercial Lease, Construction, Corporate Commercial, Energy, Financial Services, Franchise, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, Insurance and Reinsurance, Intellectual Property and Licensing, Life Sciences (Biotech, Pharma & Medical Devices), Maritime, Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures, Partnership and Shareholder, Real Estate, Securities, Sports, Technology, Telecommunications, Transportation

Professional Experience

Philippe is a lawyer at the Brussels Bar, specialising in conflict resolution, arbitration and commercial law. He received his LL.M. in International Economic Law from the University of Warwick.

Philippe was one of the first mediators to obtain EMTPJ (European Mediation Training for Practitioners of Justice) certification and he often intervenes in cases with a diplomatic dimension. He is vice-president of the Chambre d’arbitrage d’experts, a member of the advisory board of the Brussels Diplomatic Academy, and a registered arbitrator in numerous institutions around the world.

He lectures on tools and strategies for conflict resolution at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He works in Dutch, French and English. In addition, he can hold a conversation in German and understands Polish.

Dispute Resolution Experience and Training

Listed as an arbitrator / mediator with approximately 15 institutes/centres.
Served as a (sole) mediator in approximately 50 mediation cases.
Served as a (sole/panel) arbitrator in approximately 200 arbitration cases.
Served as a lawyer in an arbitration / mediation procedure in approximately 60 cases

Professional and Other Activities
  • Philippe Billiet was one of the first European Cross Border mediators to be accredited under the EMTPJ accreditation program.
  • Philippe BiIIiet has been involved in reputed programs (e.g. IDRI project) to train African judges on settlement strategies.
  • Philippe Billiet was one of the persons behind the introduction of the first mediation law in Pakistan.
  • Philippe Billiet was chairman of the FMB-committee, a committee that was at the origin of a new mediation law in Belgium.
  • Philippe Billiet has been the COO of the Association for International Arbitration, helping to develop and improve ADR training programs and ADR practices internationally.
  • Philippe BiIIiet has been involved in several well-known arbitration cases (e.g. the Yukos case, Moldatsa case, etc.)
Academic Qualifications

LL.M. International Economic Law (Cum laude) University of Warwick, England

Masters of Law (Cum laude) KU Leuven, Belgium

Bachelor of Law (Cum laude) Brussels University, Belgium