R. John Rogers


R. John Rogers

R. John Rogers, C.Arb.

Law office of R. John Rogers & Associates, Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), CA (Canada)

ADR Certified Designation : C. Arb and C. Med

VanIAC Panel(s) : Domestic Arbitration, International Arbitration

Practice Areas : Corporate Commercial, Financial Services, Intellectual Property and Licensing, Life Sciences (Biotech, Pharma & Medical Devices), Partnership and Shareholder, Technology

Professional Experience

Mr. Rogers is a Senior Professional with a unique combination of over 45 years of entrepreneurial, financial, legal and operational experience in the high technology, financial and legal industries. Special expertise in commercializing technology and in acquiring, financing, and building technology businesses.

In the approximately 18 years prior to restricting his practice to third party administrative law, Mr. Rogers’ legal practice consisted of an extremely active M&A and corporate finance practice, acting for clients acquiring and financing businesses, and acting for underwriters and issuers working in jurisdictions throughout North America, Mexico, South America and Europe.

Dispute Resolution Experience and Training

Mr. Rogers founded and is the senior partner of R. John Rogers & Associates, a firm focused on providing mediation and arbitration services in the areas of securities and corporate finance, information technology, and biotechnology.

With over 25 years of experience as an arbitrator and chair of administrative hearings, Mr. Rogers has acted as both panel chair and as sole arbitrator in matters ranging from the interpretation of joint venture agreements among public mining companies, to the resolution of disputes among shareholders in private companies, to the application of intellectual property agreements.

His training includes:

  • The Conduct of Arbitration Proceedings course of the BC 1995
    Arbitration and Mediation Institute
  • Advanced Commercial Mediation certificate from the Continuing Legal 1996
    Education Society of BC
Professional and Other Activities

As Chair of Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada disciplinary panels, Mr. Rogers has written numerous decisions on behalf of the panels on which he has served. These decisions are published at IIROC.

Mr. Rogers has served on both three member panels and acted as a single panelist both reviewing and authoring panel decisions as part of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority Domain Dispute Resolution Program. These decisions are published at CIRA.

Mr. Rogers is appointed as a Hearing Delegate by the General Manager of the British Columbia Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch pursuant to section 5 of the British Columbia Liquor Control and Licensing Act for the purpose of hearing on behalf of the General Manager enforcement matters referred to him by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. These decisions are published at Enforcement hearing process – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca).

Mr. Rogers is appointed as the Administrator’s Delegate on behalf of the British Columbia Ministry of Health for hearings pursuant to section 5(1) of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 451. These hearing decisions are published on the Ministry of Health’s website at: Enforcement – Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)

Mr. Rogers is appointed as an arbitrator under the Canada-British Columbia Production Insurance Program administered by the Business Risk Management Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture pursuant to the Insurance for Crops Act of British Columbia. These decisions are not published.

Mr. Rogers is appointed as an Administrator’s Delegate for the British Columbia Healthy Living and Health Promotion Branch, 2019-Present.

As a Vancouver International Arbitration Centre (VanIAC) former Trustee, Mr. Rogers actively participated in the drafting of the VanIAC Domestic Commercial Arbitration Rules.

  • Accredited as a Chartered Arbitrator by the ADR Institute of Canada;
  • Accredited for both arbitration and mediation on the National Commercial Panel of the ADR Institute of Canada Inc.;
  • Accredited for the panel of arbitrators and mediators by the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Mr. Rogers has published articles and engaged in numerous presentations in his areas of expertise relating to the investment and technology industries. His articles have appeared in the Advocate, the magazine published by the Law Society of British Columbia, in the Monitor, the magazine published by the British Columbia Technology Industries Association, and in Retail Connections, the magazine published by Shelf space, the organization representing retail entrepreneurs in British Columbia and Alberta.

Academic Qualifications

University of British Columbia, B.A., 1965
University of Toronto, LL.B., 1968
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, Course on Valuation I, Valuation II and Taxation in Business Valuation, 1987-1989