Simon Kent


Simon Kent

Simon Kent
Lawyer / Owner

Law office of Kent Employment Law, Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), CA (Canada)

VanIAC Panel(s) : Mediation

Practice Areas : Employment

Professional Experience

I have been a practicing lawyer since 1997 and began an employment law focused law firm, Kent Employment Law, in 2003. For the past 20 years I have participated in mediations with both my employee and employer clients and have been conducting my own mediations since 2018.

Dispute Resolution Experience and Training

I mediate all workplace / employment law matters, disability insurance claims, human rights claims, and statutory disputes under employment-related statutes such as the Employment Standards Act of BC or the Canada Labour Code.

Professional and Other Activities

Mediate BC’s Court Mediation Program which included 10 Small Claims Court Mediation Sessions;

Fundamentals of Mediation Course (Continuing Legal Education Society of BC (“CLE”)

Advanced Civil Mediation Course (CLE)

Advanced Mediator Clinic (CLE)

Advanced Negotiation Strategies for Lawyers (CLE)

Asserting Yourself in Conflict Situations (JIBC)

Academic Qualifications

Carleton University – Honours B.A (Legal Studies) completed 1993

University of Saskatchewan (LL.B) completed 1996

British Columbia Institute of Technology (Financial Management Diploma) completed 1997

PLTC completed in 1997 (May 1997 call date)