How to Sign a PDF with a digital signature
Signing a PDF with a digital signature
For best results use a digital signature to sign your document. Once signed any changes invalidate the signature. It more secure than a wet-mark or penning your signature. To sign a PDF with an digital signature see embedded video or instructions below- Click the signature field or do one of the following:
- The document will have an existing signature fields that has the following tag in the upper left hand corner of the a field. It maybe very small.
- If you haven’t specified a digital ID, you’re prompted to find or create a self-signed one.
- In the Sign Document dialog box, choose a digital ID from the Sign As menu. To create a new digital ID, select New ID or New Digital Id I want to Create now.
- Choose New PKCS#12 … and type a name, e-mail address, and other personal information for your digital ID. When you certify or sign a document, the name appears in the Signatures panel and in the Signature field. Unicode values are not required.
- Type a password for the digital ID file and remember this to sign PDF documents at a future date.
- Confirm your password, and click Finish.
- (Optionally) You can add your picture and a signature you may have stored in a file. Use the Appearance menu. If you have not created an appearance or you want to create one for this signature, choose Create New Appearance and see Create the signature appearance.
- Click Sign, and specify a filename for saving the signed document, and click Save. It is a good idea to save it as a different file so that you can keep the original unsigned document. If you are signing from within Reader, use the Submit button to submit the signed document to sent by email.
Signing a PDF with a digital ink signature
Our forms have the ability to use a digital pen to sign the document. It’s as easy as using a pen and paper. It requires no additional software other than opening the document Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 9 or above.For Adobe Reader Version 9
1. To sign a PDF with an ink signature, do one of the following:- In Reader, choose Document > Sign > Apply Ink Signature. (This command is available only if the PDF creator enabled digital signature and commenting rights.)
- Click the Sign button in the Tasks toolbar and choose Apply Ink Signature. The cursor changes to a cross-hairs.
For Adobe Reader Version 10
1. To sign a PDF with an ink signature, do one of the following:- In Reader, choose Tools > Extended Features > Apply Ink Signature. (This command is available only if the PDF creator enabled digital signature and commenting rights.) The cursor changes to a cross-hairs.
For Adobe Reader Version DC (latest version)
1. See video at top
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