Pre-hearing Meeting Agenda Guideline
- Preliminary Meeting
- Who should attend?
- When should it take place?
- In person, conference telephone or video?
- Use of Procedural Orders by the Tribunal.
- Method of communication with Tribunal.
- Confidentiality.
- Constitution of Tribunal and Jurisdiction
- Obtain confirmation that Tribunal is duly constituted.
- Any jurisdiction issues?
- Applicable Laws and Rules
- Substantive law provided in contract.
- Procedural law of seat.
- Procedural rules: ad hoc, institutional or UNICTRAL?
- Pleadings
- Pleadings and/or memorials.
- Are they complete?
- If not, fix what is to be delivered by whom and on what date.
- Consider limitations on length.
- Hearing
- Why dates of hearing should be agreed to and fixed now or as soon as possible.
- What length of hearings and who decides?
- Location of hearing.
- Booking of rooms, whose responsible.
- Transcription of hearing.
- Language/translators.
- Pre-hearing Procedures, Bifurcation and Dispositive motions
- Use of witness statements instead of direct evidence given in person
- Schedule for delivering of witness statements.
- Avoidance of repetitive evidence.
- Experts
- Will there be expert evidence and if so on what issues/subjects?
- Should Tribunal retain its own expert?
- How will the experts give their evidence: hot-tubing? Join report?
- Set schedule for delivery of expert reports and expert reply reports.
- Certificate of Independence.
- Production of Documents
- Production by parties of relevant documents versus production of documents following a demand.
- Electronic document production issues.
- Schedule for the delivery of documents.
- Motions to resolve issue arising from documents production; procedures and timing
- Document books or bundle format? Individual or joint? Searchable?
- Schedule for delivery of bundles to Tribunal.
- Stipulation that all documents used at hearing must have been produced beforehand and cannot be used without leave.
- Pre-hearing Oral Examination
- Will these be needed if witness statements are employed
- Number, time limits.
- Use of interrogatories
- Procedure for refusals – all questions to be answered, except privilege admissibility determined at hearing,
- Use of transcripts at hearing.
- Pre-hearing Matters
- Agreed Statement of Facts: counsel to confer and produce prior to hearing.
- Agreed Statement of Issues .
- Pre-hearing briefs; schedule and length limitations.
- Appointment of hearing time.
- Pre-hearing case conference with Tribunal to discuss outstanding issues.
- Closing Arguments
- Oral argument at close of hearing?
- Written argument post-hearing?
- Declaration by Tribunal of closure of proceedings?
- Indication by Tribunal as to when award will be delivered.
- Transcribe?
- Other Organizational and Administrative Issues
- Deposits? Amounts and where held?
- Arbitrators’ fees and expenses.
- Cancellation policies.
- Settlement/mediation issues.
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